Città di Castro Project

Project co-financed by the European Union
The project was born, as part of the "L'Impresa fa Cultura" call of the Lazio Region, which implements the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and for the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion, from the collaboration of two companies: Zoe Cooperativa Sociale and Adamantic S.r.l. Start up. It provides for the creation of a Virtual Tour that connects the finds exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Ischia di Castro with the sites where they were found inside the Archaeological Park of the Ancient City of Castro. The Park includes an Etruscan Necropolis, with tombs of great importance, such as that of the "Biga", where a precious parade chariot was found, buried together with two horses at the entrance of the burial chambers, and the remains of Castro, an "Ideal City" of the Renaissance, designed by Sangallo as the capital of a Duchy wanted by Pope Paul III Farnese for his son Pierluigi, in the very heart of the Papal States, which was razed to the ground in 1649, just over a century after its foundation, by troops and workers in the pay of Innocent X Pamphilj.
Adamantic will create an App for Smartphones able to interact with the Web, through which Tourists can visit the Park and the Museum guided by a virtual Character, with whom they can dialogue and interact. There are two different Itineraries, dedicated to Adults and Children; for the younger the Virtual Guide will be a young Archaeologist, who will act according to specific methods, suggested by the boys hosted in a Family Home managed by Zoe. Inside the Museum will be a selection of the most significant finds of the different eras, reproduced in Virtual Reality, to come alive to show tourists the original location of each of them within the Archaeological Park, telling their origin and history, and therefore allowing to visit it virtually even to those who do not want, or are not able, to do so physically. A multimedia room will also be set up with a touch screen through which visitors can access the Tour, and a model that reproduces the City of Castro. But the Guides will not be the only Virtual Figures who will accompany visitors in these engaging experiences: five Historical Characters, representative of the most important eras for local events, will entertain the visitor with stories, anecdotes and curiosities: through Artificial Intelligence programs, they will be able to answer the questions that Visitors want to ask them; 3D videos, 360 ° photos, video footage with drones, MP3 files and interfaces for use through the Italian Sign Language will also be available.
The project, identified by the Single Code F74B20000110007, is carried out under the Regional Operational Program of Lazio 2014-2020, which implements Measure 331, Action B, of the European Fund for Regional Development, and is financed for a total amount of 249,991.61 Euros, of which 199,993.28 Euros of public funds, and the remaining portion subscribed by the participating companies. Total amount of the project: 249,991.61 Public funding: 199,993.28